Zaragoza Trains

From Zaragoza trains run direct to most major Spanish cities on both standard and high speed Ave rail lines. It's possible to be in downtown Madrid in little more than an hour and in the other direction its around the same time to Barcelona.
The multi modal Delicias train station also serves as Zaragozas inter city bus station and has both taxi and regional bus stops as well. Whilst the station itself is on the edge of the city center its no more than a 5 minute taxi ride away.
Zaragoza routes
Three types of trains call at Delicias
- Cercanias - Short distance commuter trains
- Regional trains - Inter province and inter region
- Long distance - These are trans Spain and connect major cities at one end of the country to another. These can also be Spains high speed Ave trains.
All services are operated by the Spanish train company Renfe and tickets for all types of Zargoza trains can be purchased online from their
website >
Cercanias Zaragoza
Currently there is just the one commuter line that runs between: - C1: Zaragoza - Casetas - Miraflores
Regional Zaragoza Trains
Serving the region of Aragon and the North East of Spain
- L6: Zaragoza - Teruel - Valencia (north)
- R4: Zaragoza - Madrid Chamartin (the slow train)
- R5: Calatayud - Zaragoza - Huesca - Jaca (On the Pryennes border with France)
- R28: Zaragoza - Tudela - Castejon - Logroño - Miranda del Ebro
- R41: Zaragoza - Huesca - Canfranc
- R43: Zaragoza - Lleida Pyrennes
Note re booking:When the same destination is served by both normal and high speed trains the fares vary considerably.
Long distance trains
Zaragoza was the destination of Spains 2nd high speed rail line conecting the city with Madrid. Since then the line has been extended onwards to the base of the Pyrennes at Huesca and the Catalan capital Barcelona. At the same time the network from Madrid has been extended and there are now from Zaragoza trains can run direct to Malaga and Sevilla in Andalucia.
- Ave - High speed trains to: Barcelona, Bilbao, Ciudad Real, Cordoba, Huesca, Madrid, Malaga and Sevilla
- Alvia - Cross country inter city trains with the same levels of comfort and service as the Ave but not the speed to Vigo in Galicia via the regions of Navarra and Castilla y Leon
- Talgo - Another cross country train with the same characteristics as the Alvia serving destinations in Castilla y Leon until its terminus in Salamanca
- Estrella - Serves the coastal resorts of Catalunya also with stops in the cities of Barcelona and Girona
- Trenhotel - This is an overnight and consequently more expensive service in which you can reserve a cabin that crosses Spain from Barcelona through to Vigo in Galicia.
Tip: Ticket prices marked "Estrella" (not to be confused with the train of the same name) or "Web" become available on the Renfe website between a month and 15 days prior to travel if there are sufficient empty seats on a service. These fares can represent savings between 25 and 75% off standard fares.
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