Segovia Aqueduct

The Segovia Aqueduct is, without a doubt, the single most impressive Roman structure left in the Iberian peninsula. The sheer impact of turning the corner into Segovia and being confronted by this Unesco protected monument of world heritage leaves new and repeat visitors to Segovia astounded.
Whilst not an interactive attraction this granite, and until recently fully functioning, aqueduct provides something truly unique for travellers enjoying Spain to either explore on foot from its source or to simply walk between the supporting columns.
Brief History:
The Aqueduct in Segovia is thought to have been built in the 1st or 2nd century AD to bring water 15km from the nearby mountains to Segovias hilltop town. Curiously for a Roman monument in Spain there are no Roman records of either the construction, authorization or expense inurred in building the Aqueduct. Whilst the lack of records has led to some to believe that the Aqueduct was built by the ancients of Atlantis the design is truly Roman and investigations have consistently settled on a Roman origin.
Although the arches over the central Plaza del Azoguejo are the most visible feature there are a number of small details that are not immediately discernable to the visitor:
- Two altars - each containing religous figures. Although previously home to a statue of Hercules.
- No cement - Each stone has been shaped to lock tightly against the next and almost 2000 years of use is testament to the fact that concrete or cement isn't always necessary to build large structures.
Visiting the Segovia Aqueduct:
As a free standing monument there are no admission charges to view the Aqueduct and indeed it is possible to walk underneath and lean up against the arches. Another worthwhile activity is to follow the route of the aqueduct away from the old quarter to its modern day source some 1500m's away and within 30 minutes one can complete the trip to the begining and back to the plaza again.

Bus and taxi stops are located at the entrance to the old city and at the edge of the pedestrianised plaza so public transport is able to drop the visitor conveniently in front of the Aqueduct. There is also an extensive and moderately priced underground car park in the same location so one can drive direct. In fact, we recomend leaving ones hire car in this guarded car park when visiting all of Segovias attractions.
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