Chinchon is a unique Spanish village no more than 45 minutes from Madrid in the community of Madrid and easily accesible by both bus and car from the capital.
Retaining traditional village life in Spain is difficult yet Chinchon maintains and even celebrates its unique plaza and dominating church that look like they could have come out of the 18th century. The village in fact can be traced back to neolithic times!
For visitors the good news is that the village maintains its village pricing and home cooking so allowing an authentic taste of traditional Spanish gastronomy at bargain prices!
Chinchon Plaza or "square"
Undoubtedly the principal Chinchon attraction is the central Plaza or "square" which actually doubles as a village market, theatrical setting and even a bullring and dates from 1499!
Of course for a visitor the less strenuous task of lunch in one of the narrow wooden terraces overlooking the plaza is probably the better option! If you are visiting during the Summer (July to October inclusive) then on Saturdays the village celebrates its market in the square or on some Sundays an open air bullfight. The famous charity bullfight (attended by some of Spains top matadores) is in October of each year.

Chinchons plaza is also home to both the tourist information office and the town hall which still maintains the "chutes" for the bulls to run out of on its lower floor. The tourist office is worth a mention in its own right as it is probably one of the most enchanting in Spain set, as it is, through an ancient archway and surrounded by the old stone village laundry.

Chinchon castle
A short 20 minute walk from the plaza is the village castle known as "Castillo de los Condes" (literally: castle of the counts), which is a fine example of a heavily altered castle with architectural features from the 15th century through to the 19th. Its last actual use was as a factory, or more appropriately a distrillery, producing the famous Anis!
Being un gated visiting Chinchon castle is both FREE and a little more hands on than for example Spanish heritage managed sites.
Travel options:
Travelling to Chinchon is done by either public bus or hire car from Madrid, there are no train services and the root is quite picturesque once off the motorways as the road winds through the fertile valley of the Rio Tajuna.
Travelling by bus from Madrid is via the number 337 which departs half hourly from Madrids Conde Casal bus station. On Saturdays and Sundays services are hourly throughout the day. Tickets are a snip at 3.15€ in each direction.
If you are going to drive then taking the A3 from Madrid the village is signposted on the turn off onto the M311. Alternatively taking the A4 the village is signposted from the M404 exit.
Additional visitor information:
- The locally manufactured Anis is famous throughout Spain and can range in alcohol content from anything between 35 and 74% proof.
- The chuch overlooking the plaza dates back to 1534
- Famous Spanish painter Fracisco Goya lived in this Spanish village
- The FREE museum to village life is is open Mondays to Fridays from 1100-1400 and 1600-2000 with weekends enjoying extended opening times from 1100 to 2000 continuously.
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